“New reports reveal a deadly wave of gun violence in Chicago, with nearly forty people shot in three days. A 15-year old boy, a young mother, and even a four-year-old girl sitting on her porch have all been shot dead.
These are just a few of the nearly 40 people who were gunned down in Chicago over a mere three-day period this week.
This level of violence is usually not seen until the middle of summer in Chicago, but as temperatures reached into the 80’s this week criminals were drawn into the streets.
On Monday, one person was shot dead and nine others were wounded. A day later, 12 people were hit by gunfire in a 12-hour period.
However, Wednesday was the worst of all with at least 14 people shot in just nine-hours. This included a 15-year-old boy who was shot in the head while riding the bus home from school.”
Chicago is the perfect example of strict gun control not reducing gun violence. This is because gun ownership on its own is not correlated with higher rates of gun violence.
Until authorities base policy on fact, nothing will change. And the facts are that most gun deaths in the US are suicides. Of the remainder, almost all are committed in localities with high populations of blacks or illegal immigrants, and almost all are related to gang violence or the commission of petty crimes.