People aren’t scared enough, according to the World Hysteria Organisation.
A spokeperson says the WHO may raise the global pandemic alert level to six – the highest possible.
In an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Pais published Monday, WHO chief Margaret Chan implies the agency might raise the level to 6, but cautions that “Level 6 does not mean…we are coming near to the end of the world.” Without that explanation, Chan worries, raising to level 6 could cause “unnecessary panic.”
And of course, WHO doesn’t want unneccessary panic, just enough to make sure people take them seriously and give them lots of money.
But if you get to level six for a flu that has killed maybe 20 people, and which does not appear to be any more infectious or dangerous than any normal flu outbreak, what are you going to do when something dangerous really does come along?
And why would you expect anyone to take you seriously then?
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