It really might be so – just not the way Al Gore thinks.
Measurements show that global atmospheric temperature has been static or cooling for the last ten years, despite increasing levels of CO2.
According to anthropogenic (human caused) warming theory, increasing CO2 and other greenhouse gases means increasing heat retention in the atmosphere. So how can the world be getting cooler when CO2 levels are increasing?
In 2005 James Hansen, global warming guru, along with a number of other NASA scientists, proposed that the oceans formed a reservoir for heat, and that ocean temperatures would continue to increase, even in the face of temporary (as they thought) blips in average global atmospheric temperature.
“Confirmation of the planetary energy imbalance,” they maintained, “can be obtained by measuring the heat content of the ocean, which must be the principal reservoir for excess energy”
Put simply, increasing CO2 and other greenhouse gases meant more heat was being retained. If that extra heat could not be found in the atmosphere, it must be being stored somewhere else. The only other place it could be stored was in the oceans.
So even when atmospheric temperature appeared to fluctuate in the short term (and they were confident any leveling or declines could only be short-term), ocean temperatures would continue to rise.
If this was not so, global warming theory was false.
The following graph shows predicted ocean temperatures if global warming theory is correct, compared with observed ocean temperatures.

Predicted vs Observed Changes in Ocean Temperature
If the oceans have not warmed despite increases in levels of atmospheric CO2, then additional CO2 is not causing any additional heat retention.
If additional CO2 is not causing additional heat retention, global warming theory is false.
The oceans are not warming. Global warming theory is false.
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