2024 • 2023 • 2022 • 2021 • 2020 • 2019 • 2018 • 2017 • 2016 • 2015 • 2014 • 2013 • 2012 • 2011 • 2010 • 2009 • 2008
2024 (36)
- 29/11 Catching Blackbeard
- 15/11 Does Astrology Work?
- 25/09 Responding to Terror
- 12/08 Justice and Retribution
- 07/08 Correctional Quackery
- 11/07 Activism and Reason
- 16/02 Israel Chats to Hamas
- 12/02 The Truth About Gaza
- 10/02 Who Pays for the Candy?
- 10/02 Faster Fusion
- 10/02 Who’s In Charge Here?
- 31/01 Love and Mercy
- 28/01 Thoughts on Criminology
- 22/01 Nullius in verba
- 20/01 AUKUS Defence Capability
2023 (91)
- 24/08 Teaching and Learning
- 10/08 Hunting Biden
- 07/08 A Voice, but Shut Up
- 07/08 Acupuncture is a Scam
- 07/08 The Meaning of Liff
- 23/07 FIFA Women’s World Cup
- 22/07 Ridley Scott’s Napoleon
- 17/07 A Voice for Whom?
- 17/07 Me Too? No Thanks
- 17/07 Need a Loan?
- 07/07 Sensible Immigration
- 29/05 New Rock Royalty
- 29/05 Running in Paradise
- 08/05 Reparations for Slavery
- 07/05 Geothermal Power Dud
- 06/05 Dune Part Two
- 04/05 Body Positivity
- 25/04 Qohel Blog History
- 24/04 Smart Cities
- 24/04 Risks for Shoplifters
- 24/04 Risk Factors for Suicide
- 22/04 Becoming Catholic
- 22/04 China is a Worry
- 20/04 Don’t Learn to Code
- 20/04 Cleopatra Wasn’t Black
- 18/04 Zombie Science
- 17/04 Hope for Heart Disease
- 15/04 Zapico Play Purcell
- 14/04 Saving the West
- 14/04 Hating on Lizzo
- 13/04 One Day to Live
- 04/04 If This Is Goodbye
- 31/03 Art and Indecency
- 31/03 The Savagery of the Kind
- 21/03 COVID Research
- 20/03 Things Jesus Never Said
- 20/03 Reality is Reality
2022 (3)
- 22/10 Halloween and Heathenism
2021 (8)
- 15/07 Senators Lying to You
- 20/03 Hating Bill Gates
2020 (5)
2019 (16)
- 27/06 Fear, Faith and Folau
- 07/06 The Deletion of Faith
- 18/03 Christchurch Terror
- 13/03 Cardinal Pell Sentenced
- 04/03 For Whom the Pell Tolls
2018 (91)
- 26/07 Mayo by-election …
- 05/07 Ayurvedic Medicine
- 04/07 Who Are the Fascists?
- 05/06 Every Day in Every Way …
- 05/06 Politicians and Money
- 28/05 Teaching…
- 20/05 Matterhorn Ascent
- 17/05 The Perfect Holiday
- 16/05 The Lunatics are…
- 14/05 Next Year in Jerusalem
- 05/05 Chicago Gun Violence
- 01/05 My Gang
- 30/04 The City of Adelaide
- 26/04 Police Priorities
- 26/04 Life
- 26/04 American River
- 22/04 Gaza Could Be A Paradise
- 21/04 Peace
- 21/04 Who’s a Good Boy Then?
- 21/04 Greenland Melting? Nope.
- 21/04 Quadrant Magazine
- 21/04 News and Not News
- 20/04 Female Privilege
- 18/04 Tempy Talks to a Hero
- 17/04 Bitcoin Trading Scam
- 15/04 Changes to Layout
- 15/04 Syria: Sending a Message
- 15/04 Green Power, Black Death
- 14/04 Renewable Energy?
- 14/04 Nothing Left to Ban
- 12/04 Not Compassion but Envy
- 11/04 Rules for Apostrophes
2017 (11)
- 28/05 Atheism is Irrational
2016 (107)
- 15/06 Orlando Shooter Was Gay
- 07/06 Winter is Coming
- 22/05 Fed Up With Facebook?
- 20/05 Conspiracy Theorists
- 18/05 More Bogus Quotes ..
- 12/05 Blissyoo – an Update
- 01/05 The Price of Principles
- 30/04 A Modest Proposal
- 25/04 Tonga, or Not So Tonga
- 25/04 Chemical Free!
- 24/04 Green Power, Black Death
- 21/04 Osama Was Her Pin-up
- 20/04 Ain’t That the Truth …
- 16/04 Veges Rule!
- 16/04 Chalk Banned on Campus
- 13/04 Booker T and the MGs
- 13/04 Dr Strange Movie
- 13/04 In the Hide
- 13/04 Bias Incident Alert
- 12/04 New Australian $5 Note
- 12/04 Useless Projects
- 11/04 Killing the Kaffirs
- 10/04 CO2 and Methane
- 10/04 In the Heart of the Sea
- 09/04 Cuddle Time
- 09/04 Yowch!
- 07/04 Thanks to A2 Hosting
- 07/04 Home – American River
- 07/04 Oh So True
- 07/04 New Ben Hur Movie
- 30/03 Thank you!
- 29/03 AWOLNATION – Sail
- 29/03 Traffic
- 29/03 The Great Climate Con
- 28/03 Dances With Commies
- 28/03 Candy
- 27/03 Why Dick Went Under
- 27/03 SJWs Are Not So Tough
- 27/03 Since Brussels
2015 (7)
- 22/06 Global Warming
2014 (6)
- 02/03 The New Sudetenland
2013 (20)
- 07/10 Encomium
- 06/10 Totally Over Microsoft
- 29/09 Memory
- 28/09 Climate Debate Confusion
- 28/09 8tracks ..
- 28/09 Oops!
- 13/03 Papal Form Guide
- 03/02 He’ll Need a Bigger Gun
- 13/01 Global Warming
2012 (99)
- 17/12 Dear Morons
- 05/12 Adventures in La La Land
- 13/09 America, What the Heck?
- 26/08 No More
- 08/08 What Consensus?
- 08/08 The Oddness of Apple
- 30/07 Problems With PayPal
- 29/07 More From Muller?
- 25/07 What’s The Story?
- 25/07 AC/DC Virus
- 22/07 Wrecking Stuff
- 22/07 Fed Up With Fair Trade
- 21/07 You Go Girl
- 18/07 The Anti-education Union
- 15/07 This Is Cool
- 09/07 Rocket Attacks Matter
- 07/07 Theology By Numbers
- 07/07 Journalistic Integrity
- 07/07 Interesting Stuff
- 05/07 Nigel Farage Rules
- 05/07 Odd Message
- 05/07 Boob Job or University?
- 05/07 Chasing Bullies
- 03/07 Baz Luhrmann’s Gatsby
- 02/07 New English Review
- 01/07 Values Of The IDF
- 30/06 Sts Peter and Paul
- 30/06 Lord Monckton on Rio+20
- 25/06 Lagavulin
- 19/06 Unbearable
- 19/06 Bailouts End Here
- 19/06 Fairfax Comedy Hour
- 11/06 I Lost My Baby
- 25/05 Craig Thomson, Sigh
- 15/04 Anita Heiss Again
- 30/03 Putting Down Foxes
- 25/03 Catherine Deveny Shines
- 24/03 Qld Election
- 12/03 Bolt Wrong on Katter
- 04/03 Carr Confused
- 04/03 Nothing is Free
- 26/02 Christian Marriage
- 08/02 An Arrow in the Knee
- 02/01 Best Siri Answer So Far?
2011 (249)
- 31/12 Happy 2012? Probably Not
- 31/12 Warming? What Warming?
- 27/12 Carter and Condolences
- 27/12 Just Stop It
- 11/12 A Darn Good Question
- 03/12 Leon Panetta Is a Moron
- 01/12 Baby What a Big Surprise
- 01/12 Nice Doggy
- 27/11 The Euro is Dead
- 19/11 Rift Tanking
- 09/10 Yousef Nadarkhani
- 29/09 Changing MMORPGs
- 29/09 Persistence
- 28/09 Condom Cash Grab
- 06/09 Blood Sandwiches
- 05/09 And Right On Cue
- 04/09 Peace in the Middle East
- 30/08 WA Wildflowers
- 29/08 Adventures in Melbourne
- 29/08 What Is Love?
- 25/08 Not Buying It
- 24/08 Ignoring Reality
- 24/08 Why Women Earn Less
- 23/08 Rape, Lies and Socialism
- 21/08 How To Prevent Riots
- 20/08 Dead Polar Bear
- 17/08 Kicking Our Allies
- 16/08 Don’t Mention the War
- 12/08 Sauce for the Turkey
- 12/08 Get Real!
- 11/08 Race and Riots
- 27/06 So Scary It’s Profitable
- 27/06 Sunburnt
- 27/06 Sorry
- 06/06 Go Sarah
- 06/06 Off The Buses
- 29/05 Slutwalk = Nutwalk
- 23/05 Failure is Essential
- 19/05 Predictable Predictions
- 12/05 Insults Are Not Evidence
- 12/05 Greenpeace Not A Charity
- 04/05 Bishops and Betrayal
- 24/04 Busy, busy, busy
- 17/04 Jamie’s Betrayal
- 11/04 Boards and Quotas
- 11/04 Hamas Wants A Ceasefire
- 11/04 The Religion of Peace
- 10/04 On the Death Penalty
- 10/04 This Is Good News …
- 10/04 Emperor Obama
- 06/04 eBook – Terminus
- 06/04 On Burning Korans, etc
- 30/03 Being Who We Are
- 28/03 If Libya, Why Not … ?
- 28/03 Michael Mann’s Last Gasp
- 28/03 When is a Baby a Baby?
- 22/03 Newspeak Rules
- 22/03 Water, Water, Everywhere
- 22/03 40 Days For Life
- 20/03 A Culture Of Life vs …
- 20/03 Libya vs Iraq
- 15/03 Unspeakably Vile
- 15/03 Axe the Tax
- 12/03 Why Does The Church …?
- 12/03 Hope
- 12/03 Sideshow Bob
- 12/03 Mouse Plague
- 11/03 Scary – For Gillard
- 11/03 Then What’s The Point?
- 10/03 Wart Girl Bumped
- 10/03 Quadrant Magazine
- 09/03 Dyson Freeman on AGW
- 08/03 Busy Today, But…
- 05/03 Bickering Babies
- 05/03 Pricing Carbon
- 21/02 Science Wins (For Now)
- 21/02 Music
- 21/02 Israel Is Worried
- 19/02 Green Power, Black Death
- 19/02 Still Getting Cooler
- 19/02 Costello’s Silliness
- 15/02 Villagers Outraged
- 15/02 This Is A Bit Rude
- 15/02 White Lie Cake
- 13/02 London or Lakemba?
- 13/02 A Tree By Its Fruits
- 12/02 Assange and Robertson
- 11/02 Same Old Bogeyman
- 11/02 Random Conversations
- 10/02 Ann Timson Is My Hero
- 09/02 Cultural Differences
- 09/02 Scientists vs Alarmists
- 08/02 Christians in Egypt
- 08/02 Thank God For Israel
- 05/02 Historic Health Reforms?
- 05/02 Lies Don’t Work
- 05/02 Cool Hats, Dudes
- 05/02 Feel the Love
- 03/02 New Ice Age?
- 03/02 Why I Love Top gear
- 29/01 Egypt is Revolting
- 29/01 The Road to Hell
- 29/01 I Want My Global Warming
- 26/01 Big Wind
- 16/01 Better Schools
- 15/01 Disguised as Compassion
- 06/01 Just for a Laugh
2010 (185)
- 23/11 Oh Sarah, You’re So Dumb
- 19/11 Two More Thoughts
- 19/11 Sophie Mirabella
- 16/11 Why Be Good?
- 15/11 Grinding Works
- 13/11 Customers
- 11/11 KI Doctors Again
- 11/11 Beauty from Dust
- 07/11 Fat Facts
- 31/10 No More Naughty Nurses
- 28/10 Ready or Not
- 28/10 And the Survey Says …
- 23/10 Another Kind of Marriage
- 21/10 Keynes Is Out
- 21/10 Me and My New Camera
- 13/10 The Value of Life
- 10/10 Respect for Women
- 09/10 Excuses
- 03/10 Osama Bin Laden Worried
- 03/10 Resistance Is Footle
- 02/10 Old White Guy Out
- 26/09 What Religious Wars?
- 22/09 Educating the Educators
- 19/09 Muslims Have More Rights
- 19/09 Unwarranted Assumptions
- 15/09 Tough Love
- 15/09 Oakeshott for Speaker?
- 12/09 Democracy Will Burn
- 12/09 Future Pie Makers
- 12/09 The Rainbow Alliance
- 12/09 Floods and Dams
- 10/09 Selective Outrage
- 10/09 Julia Mark IV
- 08/09 CO2 Lunacy
- 07/09 What The Heck?
- 06/09 Maybe…
- 05/09 BBC Biased?
- 04/09 Australian Exports
- 04/09 Witches
- 04/09 Some Gay People Are Gay
- 02/09 Beslan Sixth Anniversary
- 02/09 Tony Needs To Toughen Up
- 31/08 The GG, COI, and a SIATC
- 31/08 Change or Perish
- 29/08 So When Are We Going?
- 28/08 Corrupt Crime Labs
- 25/08 What a Surprise! (Not)
- 25/08 The Religion of Peace
- 24/08 Election Musings
- 22/08 For F&#%’s Sake
- 21/08 Voting So Far
- 21/08 Just Back
- 19/08 More on the NBN
- 19/08 The Age
- 18/08 Labor’s Report Card
- 17/08 A Lasting Legacy
- 17/08 The Face of Islam
- 17/08 Not Bad for Abos
- 11/08 Climate Vox Pop
- 29/07 This Is Cool
- 29/07 Free Country
- 29/07 Being Julia
- 18/02 On Hold
- 03/02 DIY Jesus
- 03/02 Two From Town Hall
- 03/02 A Laugh for a Long Day
- 01/02 School NAPLAN Results
- 01/02 Rickets on the Rise
- 28/01 My School
- 28/01 Tony Abbott on Virginity
- 26/01 Nagging Narcissism
- 25/01 Dumb Headlines
- 23/01 Back on Deck Tomorrow
- 13/01 Google Grows A Spine
- 13/01 Clever and Creepy
- 13/01 Preach It Brother!
- 13/01 Dark Days
- 12/01 Global Cooling
- 12/01 Sea Shepherd Sham
- 10/01 Hottest Decade?
- 09/01 Hottest Decade on Record
- 08/01 Toddler Rules
- 06/01 Obama Points The Finger
- 05/01 Darwin Awards
- 05/01 Back To Work!
- 04/01 Crazy
- 04/01 Diocese of The Murray
- 04/01 OK, I Was Wrong
- 04/01 More Advice For Tiger
- 03/01 Best Australian Blog
- 01/01 Happy New Year
- 01/01 Global Warming – A Guide
2009 (681)
- 31/12 The Goresicle
- 31/12 Growing New Teeth
- 30/12 Avatar Part Two
- 28/12 Baz Lurhmann’s Australia
- 26/12 A More Assertive China
- 26/12 Yemen Attacks Al Qaeda
- 23/12 Stories In Common
- 23/12 On Journalism
- 18/12 Indigenous Health
- 18/12 Smug and Nasty
- 13/12 Wild Things
- 12/12 Temperature Changing
- 12/12 Avatar
- 09/12 Sorry
- 07/12 A Teensy Little Gloat
- 07/12 The Date of Christmas
- 06/12 If I Only Had A Brain
- 05/12 Double Disillusionment
- 02/12 ETS Dumped
- 02/12 Boyce and Troeth
- 01/12 Emails? What Emails?
- 01/12 Diversity Disparaged
- 30/11 Land Rights Lunacy
- 30/11 Darn!
- 28/11 Technorati Claim Token
- 27/11 Embarrassed Apology
- 26/11 WoW Fifth Birthday
- 26/11 Hide The Decline
- 25/11 If Bush Had …
- 25/11 Flammery and Flummery
- 24/11 Diocese Of The Murray
- 09/11 Maine and Marriage
- 02/11 Free Stuff
- 02/11 Deltoid Again
- 28/10 Leftist Vitriol
- 27/10 Didn’t See That Coming
- 26/10 Discipline in Schools
- 26/10 Wayne Carey Whines
- 25/10 Pennies Drop
- 19/10 Maldives Mania
- 19/10 Tricky Cherry Picking
- 16/10 Blog Milestone?
- 08/10 Maryam and Marzieh
- 06/10 Free Online Backup
- 05/10 Ridiculously Hot Sauce
- 29/09 Still Here – Just
- 29/07 Sexist Ads
- 20/07 Child Labour
- 11/07 Kick His Ask
- 11/07 The Gods Are Coming Back
- 11/07 No Gayness For Guru
- 11/07 Sunset at Second Valley
- 10/07 Vista Service Pack Two
- 04/07 Buzz Aldrin Says ..
- 04/07 I Like Trains
- 04/07 When It Is Ok To Meddle
- 04/07 Spam and Bing
- 04/07 Presstitutes
- 04/07 Frank Devine
- 30/06 Two Interesting Articles
- 30/06 Fascinating And Sad
- 30/06 Obama Was Born In Hawaii
- 30/06 Numbers Prove Nothing
- 28/06 Trading Stocks
- 26/06 Nothing Changes In Iran
- 26/06 Michael Jackson Dead
- 22/06 Work, Time, Sisters
- 16/06 They Got Her In The End
- 16/06 Chuck Norris Is Scared
- 15/06 Google And Bing
- 15/06 Amanda
- 11/06 Definition Of A Facist
- 11/06 100 New Nuclear Reactors
- 11/06 Work From Home
- 11/06 Anger Can Be Good News
- 10/06 The Big Omission
- 08/06 Like I Said
- 07/06 I Feel Good
- 07/06 And Another Thing
- 06/06 Is Your Wink Pink?
- 06/06 Bing Bung
- 04/06 Defence Minister Resigns
- 04/06 Time To Dump Chaser
- 03/06 For Love Or Money
- 03/06 Search Engines
- 02/06 Big Pig
- 02/06 Phishing Emails
- 01/06 Gluing Breasts To Men
- 01/06 Climate Model Works
- 31/05 WOW Vs Guild Wars
- 30/05 Glaciers Growing
- 29/05 Broadband Plans
- 29/05 Dumb Or Greedy
- 26/05 Virus Virut ce
- 26/05 Life Is Hard
- 25/05 Cold Water On Warming
- 25/05 Kleenmaid Bankrupt
- 25/05 Two More Reasons
- 23/05 At Ambulance Training
- 22/05 Arguing On The Internet
- 22/05 Ab Fab Gurkhas Part Two
- 21/05 Absolutely Fabulous
- 21/05 Muslim Inventions
- 21/05 Sexting – Just Say No
- 17/05 Rudd Stimulates Industry
- 16/05 Dolphins Are Nasty
- 16/05 On The Meanings of Words
- 16/05 Pelosi Lied, People Died
- 14/05 Wayne Swan = Elmer Fudd
- 13/05 Time Machine For Sale
- 12/05 Samson And Delilah
- 12/05 Carrie Prejean’s Boobs
- 10/05 Church And Fishing
- 09/05 On Foreign Aid
- 08/05 Heaven And Earth
- 08/05 This Is Kind Of Fun
- 07/05 Frogs Misunderestimated
- 07/05 Mysteries
- 07/05 Solar Panel Subsidies
- 07/05 Science A Political Tool
- 06/05 Dom DeLuise Dies
- 05/05 Obama And Notre Dame
- 05/05 Three Abus Grilled
- 04/05 X-Men Origins: Wolverine
- 03/05 Menacing Matriarch Moans
- 03/05 Of Mice And Maggots
- 02/05 The Whole Torture Thing
- 02/05 How To Avoid Swine Flu
- 01/05 ‘Lie To Me’ Beats Obama
- 30/04 Not Ready To Make Nice
- 30/04 I Love Natalie
- 30/04 Who’s A Snollygoster?
- 30/04 The Sky Is Falling
- 29/04 Espresso Book Machine
- 27/04 I Want My Global Warming
- 24/04 Nail Gun Murder
- 23/04 Dual Saw
- 23/04 Mine Your Own Business
- 23/04 Miscellaneous
- 22/04 Conficker Again
- 22/04 Another Boat Intercepted
- 22/04 A Few Windows Tips
- 21/04 Cost Of Public Transport
- 20/04 Real Beauty
- 20/04 Running On New Server
- 18/04 Obama Greets Chavez
- 18/04 Kutcher out-Tweets CNN
- 17/04 Free Online Games
- 16/04 This Is Sad
- 15/04 Interesting Video
- 13/04 Spam Record
- 11/04 President Pantywaist
- 11/04 Windows 7 Beta
- 10/04 Collects for Good Friday
- 09/04 Three Interesting Lists
- 08/04 Education Tax Refund
- 07/04 LED TVs
- 07/04 Take Care at the ATM
- 07/04 First Day Back at Work
- 06/04 OK to Pick on Christians
- 31/03 More News on Conficker
- 31/03 New Idea is a Sleazy Rag
- 29/03 Back on Kangaroo Island
- 27/03 Back in Oz
- 24/03 Comments Open
- 22/03 Therapy With Bob Newhart
- 22/03 Poor Things
- 21/03 How Could They Not Tell?
- 21/03 Ads Not So Bad
- 21/03 Almost Home
- 04/03 Wanganui Hospital Again
- 22/02 Good Luck Young Golfer
- 22/02 I’m Happy for You 2
- 22/02 I’m Happy for You
- 22/02 Another Rau Row
- 21/02 Tragic for the Parish
- 19/02 I’m Ba-ack!
- 19/02 Tough Times Make You Fat
- 18/02 Mental Health Services
- 13/02 A Short Break
- 13/02 Help!
- 12/02 NZ Too Much for Darwin
- 11/02 Amanda Update
- 10/02 Just Stop Palin
- 09/02 600,000 Jobs Lost
- 09/02 Hamas Steals Aid, Again.
- 07/02 Amanda Update
- 06/02 Amanda and Gran Torino
- 06/02 And Now Solis
- 05/02 A Better Package
- 05/02 Battle of the Bagpipes
- 04/02 Daschle Out
- 03/02 Amanda Update
- 01/02 Nothing for a Day
- 01/02 Bring Sean Home
- 01/02 Amanda Update
- 01/02 For Heaven’s Sake
- 31/01 Prayer Request
- 31/01 Hot Dog Seller Jailed
- 30/01 Windows 7 beta
- 30/01 Proof of Global Cooling?
- 30/01 Blagojevich Out
- 30/01 Aid Stranded in Egypt
- 29/01 Thank Goodness
- 29/01 Give the Guy a Break
- 29/01 Let’s Get Microsoft
- 29/01 Handouts Working
- 29/01 Another Hot Day
- 28/01 Cool. Cooling
- 28/01 Sea Kitten Cuddled
- 28/01 ‘Racist’ Shirts
- 27/01 What I Said
- 27/01 Secret Whale Deal
- 26/01 Ding!
- 26/01 Empty Apologies
- 26/01 Strong Words
- 26/01 What the … ?
- 26/01 NZ Police Shooting
- 25/01 Why is This News?
- 25/01 Oh Yeah, That’ll Work
- 24/01 Tragic
- 24/01 Comments
- 23/01 It Would Be a Pity
- 23/01 300,000 Dead in Darfur
- 23/01 Formatting
- 22/01 Inauguration Speech
- 22/01 Obama Again
- 21/01 But Why?
- 21/01 Israel and Gaza
2008 (4)
- 21/11 At the End of the Day
- 21/11 Of All the Dumb Ideas
- 20/11 What Were You Thinking?
- 20/11 What Matters