That is a basic Christian principle. You must always do what is right. The end does not justify the means.
Doing wrong so good may come is pride. It is the belief that we know better than God. But we are not wiser than God.
Evil has a way of spreading, and sprouting up consequences that are not easy to foresee.
I cannot help but be glad about the permanent closure of George Tiller’s monstrous death factory.
That is a positive outcome for hundreds of children who will now be born alive instead of being dragged halfway out of the womb and having their skulls crushed so they were dead before being fully delivered. Another four inches and the skull crushing would have been murder. I’m sure the babies understood that distinction perfectly.
Yet the killing of George Tiller was also murder. Murder is always wrong. There may be, and probably will be, consequences of that act we cannot yet see.
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