Yesterday I was at the number one position on Bing for the phrase ‘leading conservative blog.’ Now Qohel cannot be found in Bing at all. What gives?

Google at least seems more consistent – I never vary there from second or third. Qohel is still at number one on Yahoo for the same phrase: ‘leading conservative blog.’

Over the last five days I have deleted 6860 spam comments. Thanks for the attention, but it is getting a little tiresome. Genuine comments always welcome!

Apologies again for the slow posting of late. This blog is not my job – I have a retail business which I ruin entirely alone (I know, sob, sob, sound of world’s smallest violin). That business has been getting busier, which means less time for Qohel. I promise to try to do better!

Also, my sister Amanda is still much on my mind. She is in hospital in Adelaide, and I try to get over to see her as often as I can.