Crop circles with an appealing Mayan theme have appeared in Wiltshire. On second thoughts, I’m not sure that the phoenix is part of Mayan mythology (it’s Persian).

Phoenix Themed Crop Circle
But the whole ‘The Mayans believed the world would end in 2012’ thing is too cool to pass up.
Actually the Mayans don’t seem to have believed that, it is just that their calendar ticks over then, like an odometer.
But there are some odd references to gods returning then, so who knows? Well, one reference. And it’s fragmentary. But that probably just means someone tried to hide it. Or something.
This is an even more interesting circle:

Pi Crop Circle
It is a geometric representation of the first ten digits of Pi.
Whatever else all this means, it certainly means that there are some people in Wiltshire with mathematical and artistic talent, decent lawnmowers, and plenty of time on their hands.
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