Indonesia – Give These People the Same Special Deal
People Smugglers – Hear, hear!
Failing to acknowledge the crisis caused by its changes to Australia’s immigration policy, the Federal government is steadily digging itself into a very deep hole.
Most Australians want:
- Everyone who comes or wants to come to Australia to be treated with dignity.
- Preference given to people who are in genuine need, or have some clear benefit to offer (the two are not mutually exclusive, of course).
- Preference given to people who don’t try to push their way to the front of the queue.
- Overall immigration controlled in a way that takes note the of availability of infrastracture and environmental resources.
- Overall immigration controlled in a way that maximises opportunities for immigrants to integrate without excessive stress for them or for their new communities.
It can no longer seriously be denied that the Labor government has implemented a group of policies which encourage queue jumpers and those who prey on them.
60 boats carrying illegal immigrants have been intercepted on route to Australia in the last 12 months, compared with 18 boats in the previous six years.
The Christmas Island detention centre is overflowing.
Resources re-directed to illegal immigrants are stolen from people in greater need – people who follow the rules, wait in refugee camps, who do the right thing.
Why should they bother?
Our neighbours are asking us to think again, and to take responsibility for the difficulties caused not only to ourselves, but to them.
But still the mess caused by Labor’s new ‘compassionate’ policies has not dented the teflon brain of Prime Minister Kevin (Special Deal) Rudd.
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