One of the worrying things about the cherry-picking, data fudging, distorting, lying, fund-grabbing behaviour that has characterised global warming alarmism over the last two decades, is that we now have no idea at all what the climate has been doing.
Much of the original temperature data seems to have disappeared, leaving only value-less ‘value-added’ data.
What data we have, when the Urban Heat Island Effect is taken into account, along with the fudging and cheating, shows little or no warming, or even cooling.
Climate changes can be and have been devastating in the past, rapid cooling far more so than gradual warming.
There is nothing we can do to stop natural climate change.
We can prepare for it. And that preparation may save millions of lives.
There is no doubt that next major change will be towards a cooler world.
Let’s hope we can quickly get past the hiatus in real climate science caused by well-funded claims of non-existent anthropogenic global warming, and find real world data that will give us real world answers.
In the meantime, it is a deadly cold Winter in the Northern Hemisphere:
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