Julia Gillard is not stupid.
But as Forrest Gump said, ‘Stupid is as stupid does.’
And there could hardly be anything more stupid than putting a punitive tax on the resource – cheap carbon fuels – that has underpinned the fastest ever growth in development and standards of living around the world, including health and education, and without which there would be no modern industry, no fast, economical transport, no large scale agriculture providing cheap food, etc, etc.
There is simply no reason for such a tax. The world is not running out of oil or coal.
So this claim by Ms Gillard is nonsense:
‘The alternative is very stark, if we continue to do nothing we will pay a heavy cost – electricity prices will spiral up. Our power supplies will begin to run short.’
No, our power supplies are not going to run short and cause spiralling prices.
But putting unnecessary taxes on energy resources will push prices up, causing industry to move offshore, and impacting especially harshly on poorer families.
So why do it?
Because human activity is causing the world to warm catastrophically?
If that’s the real reason, Julia, just say so. If you can prove it, I’ll back you 100%
But before you impose even more taxes on Australian businesses and families, I suggest you do some reading:
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