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Category: Current Affairs (Page 64 of 76)

Nancy Pelosi Was Happy With Waterboarding Seven Years Ago

At least, she never complained then. This was the year after 9/11 after all.

The three prisoners who were waterboarded were Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the Sept. 11 attacks, Abu Zubaydah, an Al Qaeda operative also involved in 9/11, and Abd al Rahim al Nashiri, a Saudi believed to have had a leadership role in the bombing of the U.S. Navy destroyer Cole in Yemen in 2000.

Nancy Pelosi was briefed, along with a number of other Democrats, on methods of interrogation being used and proposed to be used:

Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, who in 2002 was the ranking Democrat on the House committee, has said in public statements that she recalls being briefed on the methods, including waterboarding. She insists, however, that the lawmakers were told only that the C.I.A. believed the methods were legal — not that they were going to be used.

By contrast, the ranking Republican on the House committee at the time, Porter J. Goss of Florida, who later served as C.I.A. director, recalls a clear message that the methods would be used.

“We were briefed, and we certainly understood what C.I.A. was doing,” Mr. Goss said in an interview. “Not only was there no objection, there was actually concern about whether the agency was doing enough.”

Current House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) agrees Pelosi knew what was happening and raised no concerns at the time.

“All of this information was downloaded to congressional leaders of both parties with no objections being raised,” he told reporters, specifically citing Pelosi as someone who received the briefings. “Not a word was raised at the time, not one word.”

So what’s the story with her now vitriolic denunciations of what she at least tacitly approved at the time? And is she including herself when she demands that those who knew about or carried out those high-level interrogations be prosecuted?

Well, duh, no, because now she is saying she didn’t know. Not really. Sort of. Just thought it was talk, you know. Not that anyone was actually, you know, doing anything.

More from former CIA Director Porter J Goss:

After the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, members of the committees charged with overseeing our nation’s intelligence services had no higher priority than stopping al-Qaeda. In the fall of 2002, while I was chairman of the House intelligence committee, senior members of Congress were briefed on the CIA’s “High Value Terrorist Program,” including the development of “enhanced interrogation techniques” and what those techniques were. This was not a one-time briefing but an ongoing subject with lots of back and forth between those members and the briefers.

Today, I am slack-jawed to read that members claim to have not understood that the techniques on which they were briefed were to actually be employed; or that specific techniques such as “waterboarding” were never mentioned. It must be hard for most Americans of common sense to imagine how a member of Congress can forget being told about the interrogations of Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheik Mohammed. In that case, though, perhaps it is not amnesia but political expedience.


King Bird 50 And Other UFO Mysteries

A B-50 Superfortress, a plane that went out of service in the late fifties, and which matches the description of a plane lost in 1948, lands in a storm near Thule Air Force Base in Greenland in 2001.

If the King Bird 50 story is true, then some very weird things are going on in our universe, and there are some very weird questions that need answering.  Former astronaut Edgar Mitchell thinks the US government already has the answers.

Edgar Mitchell is no idiot. Well, he has degrees in aeronautics and astronautics, so he shouldn’t be an idiot.

Mitchell has never made a secret of the fact he believes we are being visited by aliens. But last week he claimed the US government has also known this for many years, and that it was time they shared their knowledge and research with the world.

It would be silly to think there was no other life in our galaxy. We know that anywhere on Earth there is liquid water, there is life. We are reasonably certain there is another planet with large amounts of liquid water about 20 light years from us.

Some scientists have estimated there are at least 360, and possibly many more, civilisations in our galaxy.

I don’t believe any alien species advanced enough to visit us will be out to destroy us or raid our planet’s resources. Based on Earth’s history, any civilisation capable of extended space flight has to have high level skills in co-operation and resource management. Raiding or dictatorial civilisations simply never get to the point where they are sufficiently stable, and able to organise and work together on a large enough scale, to develop the technology and resources needed for long space expeditions.

Nor do I believe that older alien species are out there watching and waiting to see if we are sufficiently peaceful and advanced to be able to join the galactic federation, or whatever it is. That is cargo cult thinking.

We are not alone. We know the galaxy well enough to be certain of that now. But are we being visited by aliens, and is the government covering it up?

That’s a whole different question, and well above my pay grade!

Anglican Priest Jailed For Molesting Boys

Canon Barry Greaves pleaded guilty in the Brisbane District Court last Thursday to seven counts of indecent treatment of boys under 17 and two of indecent treatment of boys under 12.

I was sorry to read this. I know Barry a little, and had always liked and respected him. He seemed a straightforward, caring and intelligent person.

Barrister Mark Johnson said Greaves was deeply ashamed and sorry for what he had done to the boys. Mr Johnson said Greaves was also remorseful for the shame he brought upon himself, his family and the Anglican Church. ‘He deeply regrets what’s happened,” he said.

Any kind of sexual interaction with children is appallingly wrong. And in Barry’s case, a betrayal of the trust of the church, and of the boys and their families.

But in a way I cannot help feeling sorry for Barry and others whose sexual attraction is towards adolescents.

No one would choose to have those kind of feelings. I have visited protection prisons including Ararat in Victoria. Most of the convicted child sex offenders I spoke to there had struggled all their lives to overcome or redirect that attraction, and were deeply ashamed of the times they failed.

Most of them had naively hoped that the boys (it was usually boys) returned their affection, and enjoyed the attention. Often they did, but harm was still done.

Boys (and girls) in their early teens and younger cannot give meaningful consent to sex with an older person. Even if they seemed to consent at the time, even if they seemed eager at the time, they almost always ended up feeling used, sullied and hurt.

No matter how willing the young person seemed to be, harm was done. It was up to the adult to set the boundaries and keep to them. There is no excuse for not doing so.

Some of those who ignore those boundaries are monsters who knowingly and uncaringly hurt children and use them for their own pleasure. Such people deserve our anger and condemnation.

But not all are monsters.

Most people who are disorded in their affections, and whose only feelings of sexual attraction are towards young people, know all of the things I have written above. Many go their entire lives without any genital expression of their sexuality at all. This seems to me an almost heroic level of self-denial – one we would not expect of any other group.

It is easy to judge – and sometimes that judgement is right. But it is not so easy to know, if we were in their place, whether any of us would have the strength of will required to deny ourselves any form of physical expression of our sexuality for the whole of our lives.

I am not surprised that some fall, and while I condemn their behaviour, I cannot so easily condemn them.

Islam Is The Religion Of Peace – If You Disagree We Will Kill You

Pakistan is one of at least five Muslim countries in which the number of Muslims deliberately murdered by Islamic fundamentalists in the past year exceeds the number of Palestinian civilians killed in the Hamas conflict with Israel.  In the last 12 months, Islamists killed over thirty Muslims for every civilian casualty of Cast Lead.

Monthly Jihad Report for March 2009  Jihad Attacks: 169. Countries: 19. Religions: 5. Dead Bodies: 686. Critically Injured: 953 has announced its Dhimwit of the month for March 2009 is President Barack Obama.

One of the reasons: Backing the Swat Valley ‘Peace for Sharia’ Deal with the Taliban.   Actual peace lasted about five minutes.  That’s how long it took the Taliban to explain how Islam requires the implementation of Sharia in all parts of Pakistan.

I’m not sure ‘Backing the Swat Valley ‘Peace for Sharia’ Deal’ is a fair summary of the Obama administration’s view, but given Obama’s enthusiasm for opening discussions with terrorists and dictators, Pakistani authorities may have thought they were taking a leaf from his book.

Instead of laying down their arms as promised, the Taliban used the stand down of Pakistani forces in Swat to take over ever-larger areas. The 6,000 to 8,000 fighters even came within 60 miles of the nation’s capital this week.

Given how fragile the situation in Pakistan is, and how dangerous radical islamist control of power in that country would be, any legitimisation of islamist forces by Obama’s administration, whether disguised as negotiations, discussions, or anything else, would be disastrous.

Philippine Forces To Rescue Red Cross Worker

Sulu provincial Governor Abdusakur Tan has ordered troops to rescue kidnapped Red Cross worker Eugenio Vagni.

Vagni was kidnapped with two other Red Cross workers, Filippina Mary Jean Lacaba and Swiss man Andreas Notter on the island of Jolo on January 15th. The terrorists released Lacaba on April 2nd. Notter was rescued last Saturday.

The order to rescue Vagni was given in the light of after growing concerns for his health – he has a hernia and suffers hypertension – and after talks with Abu Sayyaf  failed following the refusal of the Red Cross and Philippine authorities to negotiate the payment of a ransom.

Refusing to pay a ransom was a scary decsion, but was absolutely the right thing to do. Paying terrorists encourages an industry of kidnapping, and enables them to purchase arms and support.

As at Saturday, troops have already clashed with Abu Sayyaf, but there have been no sightings of Vagni.

One hopeful sign. Governor Tan said said he was grateful to “a great number of local residents” who have been providing information on the movements of the Abu Sayyaf.  He said they wanted to end the crisis as soon as possible. Even the civilian volunteers who joined the operation said they already want to put an end to the Abu Sayyaf and get Vagni safely.

Support for Abu Sayyaf has come from the largely Muslim local population. If the locals have had enough of terrorists in their midst, their time is coming to an end.

Hundreds Of Thousands Attend ANZAC Day Commemorations

On the 25th April 1915 troops from Australia and New Zealand landed north of Gaba Tepe in Turkey at a spot now known as Anzac Cove.

2,000 men from Australia and New Zealand were killed on the first day.

Dawn Service at Anzac Cove

Dawn Service at Anzac Cove

More and more Australians are attending ANZAC services each year. The ANZAC campaign is considered by most ordinary Australians to be the time when we came of age as a nation.

This idea is rubbished (of course) by the trendy elite. We became a nation at Federation. The ANZACS were defeated. It wasn’t our war. We were fighting for the British Empire.

Nitwits like Marilyn Lake seem to think we are celebrating war, or our subservience to England, or the privileges enjoyed by males, or whites, or something:

When participation in foreign wars becomes the basis of national identity, it requires the forgetting or marginalising of other narratives, experiences and values. The Anzac myth requires us to forget gender and racial exclusions, the long history of pacifism and anti-war movements, the democratic social experiments and visions of social justice that once defined Australia; to forget that at Gallipoli we fought for “empire” not the nation, symbolising our continuing colonial condition.

As we prepare to inaugurate a republic, she says, we should move on from this redneck racist view of history, and of our identity, into a more inclusive way of seeing ourselves and the way we relate to the world. People like Professor Lake cannot seem to abide the thought that people might not share her passions, and see things her way, or be thinking about her issues, even for a minute. They should be made to. For their own good.

I am not at all distressed or alienated by the fact that Australia is part of an international community – the British Empire, now the Commonwealth of Nations – which has brought higher standards of living, education, rule of law and stable government to many nations and many millions of people around the world. I am proud to be part of that family. The constant blathering by Australian republicans about the need to cut our apron strings to Britain and form our own identity seems more like teenage rebelliousness than maturity or vision.

The ANZAC campaign was a failure at many levels – politics, planning, local command. Foolish, ill-informed choices were made. Thousands of young men were killed in a campaign that probably made no difference to the outcome of World War One at all. None of that should be celebrated, and it isn’t.

But here’s the thing. We made a commitment and we kept to it. The young men from Australia and New Zealand who landed on that beach had every reason to complain, to refuse to comply, to rebel. But they didn’t. They endured cold, poor food, poor command.  Many of them endured grievous injury and death. And in all of that they were courageous, disciplined, purposeful. They cared for one another, they did not give up, they sacrificed their own hopes and even their lives for the sake of others.

We became a nation at Federation. We showed what kind of nation we could be at Anzac Cove. The qualities shown there – discipline, self-sacrifice, courage, persistence – are exactly the qualities we need now. They are what defines us at our best. They are our best hope for the future.

We also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us.
Romans 5:3-5

Refugees – ‘We Will Come Because Of Rudd’

Yes, there is a general increase in the number of people around the globe seeking new and safer homes. But as Andrew Bolt has shown, this general increase is not sufficient to account for the dramatically higher number of illegal immigrants heading to Australia in recent months.

Kevin Rudd and his posse of experts are all saying it is nothing to do with the government’s loudly proclaimed ‘nicer’ policies on immigration. The experts all seem pretty confident because, among other things, how would potential immigrants know about changes in Australian policies?

But why do these enlightened and nicer experts and politicians assume that potential immigrants, even the illegal ones, are so stupid they cannot read a paper, watch TV, use the internet, or even talk to friends or family?

Especially when the immigrants themselves say they are coming, or plan to come, because they have heard that things are different now:

One refugee from Iraq says he’s heard from family in Australia that things have changed under the Rudd government.

“Kevin Rudd, he change everything about the future,” he’s told ABC Radio. “If I go to Australia now, different, different. Maybe accepted. But when John Howard (was the prime minister of) … Australia he said come back to Indonesia.”

Surely it is time think again about the message we are sending.

Tribunal Dismisses Teacher’s Racism Claim

I’m amazed but pleased by this obviously commonsense decision from the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal.

Fiona Dickie, of mixed Zulu and English background, complained that she had been subjected to a ‘campaign of racism’ at the Melbourne school where she was employed as a teacher.

For example, she claimed to be shocked when a fellow teacher complimented her by saying ‘You look lovely today, you remind me of that Negro Australian singer, Marcia Hines.’

 Senior Tribunal member Noreen Megay said there was no evidence of racism at the school.

 “To say that the complainant’s allegations turned out to be entirely unsupported would be an understatement,” Ms Megay wrote. She said it was important to understand that conduct considered unfair by certain people was not necessarily discriminatory.

“Put simply, just because someone does not warm to you and does not like you and does not agree with you and does not share your particular passions, it does not follow that his or her conduct is unlawful.”

Ms Megay said an emotionally fragile Ms Dickie believed that anyone who did not agree with her was against her, discriminatory and racist.


Three Cheers For The Australian Defence Force

The Australian Navy has released photos of before and after the explosion on board the boat of illegal immigrants north of Australia a week ago.

The boat exploded after passengers doused it with petrol in an attempt to force the Navy to escort them to Australia rather than the immigration centre on Christmas Island.

Navy personnel were on the boat at the time of the explosion, and were injured. Five of the passengers were killed.

What stands out from these photos is the instant and compassionate response of armed forces personnel as they rescue and give first aid to illegal immigrants who had no right to be in Australian waters and had deliberately set fire to their own boat.

It is the courage, care, efficiency and self-sacrifice of young men and women like this that we celebrate on ANZAC Day.  Well done. And thanks.

Hilary Clinton also has a few kind words to say about ANZAC Day:

“Anzac Day is a day of respect and remembrance, a day to mark a defining event for Australia and New Zealand – Gallipoli – where courage and loyalty demonstrated the intrepid character of two young nations, whose heroes now rest in peace in the soil of a friendly country,” Senator Clinton said in a statement on Friday.

The US recognised the significance of the Anzac tradition and Americans joined with Australians in remembering those lost in battle, she said.

“Along with you, we pay our respects and express gratitude to your dedicated troops,” Senator Clinton said. “Most importantly, along with you, we remember.”

Nail Gun Murder

This is gruesome.

Police have released an x-ray picture of the head of Chen (aka Anthony) Liu, who was murdered in Sydney last year. He was shot in the head multiple times with a nail gun.

I’m not sure why police released the photo, or how this could help them with their enquiries. No one has been arrested yet. Police are asking for help, particularly from anyone who might have seen Mr Liu’s car in Rockdale or Connells Point around 19 October 2008.

It beats me how anyone can do something like this to another human being.

Was The 2020 Summit A Waste Of Time?

Well, duh.

Yahoo/Seven has a poll asking this question.

At 9am this morning the answer was entirely predictable.

This is a good indicator of the basic common sense of the ordinary Australian. The kind who never stood a chance of being invited.

Was the 2020 Summit a Waste of Time?

Was the 2020 Summit a Waste of Time?

At Least Ahmadinejad Is Consistent

Iranian President Imanutjob said at a conference in Teheran on Wednesday that Israel is ‘a regime that only understands the language of violence and force. I am confident that there will come a day when all Zionist criminals will be brought to justice.’

Being consistent means he’s predictable – it isn’t too hard to guess what he’s going to say. And that means, as I have pointed out before, that the UN officials who said of his similar speech at the racism conference in Geneva, ‘Oh gosh, how awful, we had no idea, how could we have known?’  are either stupid, or were simply lying.

No Evidence Against Slumdog Dad

Mumbai police have found nothing in newspaper reports, or in video of a meeting between a fake sheik and Rafiq Qureshi, to suggest he was trying to sell his daughter, Slumdog Millionaire star Rubina Ali.

There never was anything to this.

The real story should be how a shonky News Of The World journalist lured Rubina Ali’s father to a luxury hotel after telling him he was a wealthy sheik who had been moved by her story and wanted to meet her. He then offered the father money for Robina. The father declined and left.  Not interesting enough for News Of The World.

Look at the photo in the story. Robina does not look like a little girl whose family is in the middle of negotiations for her sale.

What is disturbing about this is the willingness of News Of The World readers (and apparently lots of others) to believe that ‘foreign’ parents don’t really care about their children, and are quite happy to sell them to strangers as long as the price is right.

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