The Parents’ Jury, whoever the heck they are, take a shot at McDonalds in dishing out their inaugural Fame and Shame Awards.
McDonalds won the Techno Hack category for their Maths Online programme – a free (and very good) online maths tuition available at no charge to every Australian teacher and student. Well, we certainly don’t want businesses providing high quality educational resources to just anyone, now do we?
McDonalds won the Pester Power award for Happy Meal ads which showed kids actually, you know, being happy and active and stuff. Well, we certainly don’t want businesses encouraging children to be happy and active, now do we?
McDonalds won the Bad Sport category for its sponsorship of Little Athletics. Darn those McDonalds restaurants for encouraging children to participate in athletics. What devious plans will they come up with next?
I assume that all this vitriol is based on the idea that McDonalds sells unhealthy food and therefore anything they do is evil.
But there are all sorts of healthy choices at McDonalds, which is also one of Australia’s leading employers of young people.
The Parents Jury (which seems to have no idea of the proper use of apostrophes) needs to get a life.
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