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The AEU Couldn’t Lie Straight in Bed

A new report commissioned by the Australian Education Union, has found, surprise, surprise, that State schools are not receiving a fair share of Federal Government funding.

This, they claim, is terrible, unfair, wrong, bad, and disadvantages families whose children attend State schools.

These claims by the AEU are so misleading that it hard to see how thay can be anything other than deliberately dishonest.

Education is a state responsibility. Schools are meant to be funded by the states.

But states routinely give only minsicule funding to private schools – less than 10% of the funds given to State schools.

The Federal Government makes up some of the shortfall by giving additional funds to private schools. But total government funding to private schools is still only about two thirds per student of funding to State schools.

Children who attend private schools are just as much citizens, and their parents just as much tax-payers, as those who attend State schools.

A system which so grossly discriminates against families who choose private schools is unfair. The AEU claims it should be even more unfair.

The AEU is not concerned about justice. Nor is it concerned about better outcomes in education.

The AEU has consistently opposed every state or federal policy proposal which evidence suggests would give better results.

The evidence is indisputable that clear curricula and standards based teaching works, that clear reporting of student results and rankings works, that more parent involvement in schools works, that giving parents free choice of schools works.

But all of those things undermine union power, and the AEU can be relied on to object to all of them.

Perhaps it should be renamed the AUPMT – the Australian Union for Protecting Mediocre Teachers.

1 Comment

  1. Ben

    Thank God for private schools. I can read!

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