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Chasing Bullies

When I say bullying I don’t mean the annoying schoolboy who looks down on the other boys and finally gets a slap around the ear. That’s not bullying.

I don’t mean the girl who demands everyone do everything her way, and then finds that she is being excluded because no one will play with her. That’s not bullying.

Bullying is deliberately causing harm to others for the fun of it, or as a means of getting your own way.

Bullies do not bully because they are lonely, need attention, or have low self-esteem. Every reliable study shows that bullies have no problems with self-esteem. Bullies bully because they enjoy it.

Corporations can be bullies as easily as individuals.

I wrote a couple of weeks ago about my experience with the National Australia Bank.

We asked for a simple (but expensive for us) mistake to be fixed. Our request became a complaint, then a dispute.

There was only one response from the NAB to my blog post. It was a misleading comment, sent using a false name and fake email address. That pretty much exemplified the level of integrity in the bank’s interactions with us following our complaint.

The NAB has a bullying, if not sociopathic, corporate culture; a long standing attitude of disregard for the needs and rights of its customers.

Based on our experience, and that of many others (see my earlier post on this) no matter how many nice people you know at the NAB, sooner or later you will come up against the corporation, to your cost. I recommend choosing another bank. However, just because the NAB’s corporate culture is sociopathic does not mean everyone who works for the NAB is a bad person.

There are no nice people working for scam businesses like JBC Global, CFS-live, or ESL Trader.

I should add that there are genuine businesses with these or similar names. That is part of the scam. But none of the genuine businesses sell useless stock trading software. The stock trading software scammers JBC, CFS and ESL attempt to trade on the names and reputations of others, even claiming support by producing fake press releases in the name of people like Anthony Green, and other well-known financial sector personalities.

The people who run JBC, CFS and ESL are thieves, con men, sociopaths.

If you are a con artist, you are a sociopath. You cannot be willing to lie, to cheat people out of thousands of dollars of hard earned money and savings if you have any regard for the needs and feelings of others.

Confronting such people is dangerous, because sociopaths have no compunction about saying and doing things would not even occur to normal people. Like Anton Chigurh in Cormac McCarthy’s masterful ‘No Country for Old Men,’ they will happily destroy you and your family, just for inconveniencing them.

Nonetheless, stand up. We must. But take care.


  1. Tony B

    Don’t you think it’s kind of ironic that the National Bank’s new ads talk about how honesty should be rewarded. If they really thought that, wouldn’t they start with the way they treat their customers?

  2. Alex

    Ha, ha. Yes. “Honesty should be rewarded.” What a joke. If honesty was rewarded, the National Bank wouldn’t have any customers.

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