I have said repeatedly that the NBN is a dumb idea – grossly overpriced and completely unnecessary.
So you might think I’d agree with the Economist Intelligence Unit that the Australian Labor government’s NBN is not a good plan because it is going to cost a lot more money and deliver slower speeds that South Korea’s similar proposals.
On this, a spokewoman for Communication Minister Stephen Conroy:
“Comparing Australia to Korea is like comparing apples to oranges. Investment in Australia’s road, rail, telecommunications and utility infrastructure faces vastly different factors than countries such as South Korea,” she said.
“Australia’s land mass is over 7.6 million square kilometres compared with South Korea’s which is just over 100,000 square kilometres. Australia has a population density of 2.7 people per sq/km compared with 487 people per sq/km for South Korea.
She’s right. For any group calling itself intelligent, that is not a terribly intelligent comparison to make.
And the NBN is still a dumb idea.
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