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Category: Current Affairs (Page 8 of 78)

UK PM – 100% of Women Do Not Have Penises

Who is on the side of reality here?

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak says 100 per cent of women do not have penises. The prime minister has put himself at odds with Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer by declaring that 100 per cent of women do not have male genitals.

He added: “We should always have compassion and understanding and tolerance for those who are thinking about changing their gender. Of course we should. But when it comes to these issues of protecting women’s rights, women’s spaces, I think the issue of biological sex is fundamentally important when we think about those questions.” Click pic for link to story at the Independent

The tide is turning on this. People are sympathetic to anyone who suffers gender confusion, and happy to help them find solutions. They are less happy to be forced to say men can be women, and women can be men, and that there are no significant physical or psychological differences. The end of the road for that position is the obliteration of the identity and value of women.

Hope for Heart Disease

Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of heart disease, which is the most common cause of death in Australia.

A common diuretic, Spironolactone, commonly marketed as Aldactone, has been found to stop the progress of Atherosclerosis.

This was a very small study; seventy-nine randomised participants, all of whom had Chronic Kidney Disease and type-II Diabetes, and only thirty-seven of whom received the active medication;

However, if further studies show a similar effect in the wider population, this is very good news indeed. Click on pic for link to study.

Common diuretic medication spironolactone (Aldactone) stops atherosclerosis

Saving the West

Are you looking for a good book?

People want to save the west and help win the culture wars, but don’t know how. This survey of the West’s great ideas, drawing from greats like Aquinas and Plato, is also a survival handbook for the 21st century.

The West is in crisis, and ordinary folks feel powerless—but with a little training, regular people can be the most important defenders of all that is good and true in our cultural heritage.

It has been proclaimed many times, but perhaps never more convincingly than now, when every news cycle seems to deliver further confirmation of a world gone mad.

Is this the endgame? Have we come to closing time in the West?

These are the issues:

• The Crisis of Reality: Is there such a thing as objective truth—and even if there is, can “virtual reality” replace it?

• The Crisis of the Body: Not just the “transgender” insanity, but the push for a “transhumanist” future

• The Crisis of Meaning: Evolution—both biological and cultural—is a process of endless replication, of copying. But is there an original model that gives us an aspiration to aim for? Do our lives and actions have meaning?

• The Crisis of Religion: Science has not eliminated man’s religious impulse, but rather misdirected it—and wrongly dismissed the profound philosophical plausibility of Judeo-Christian revelation.

• The Crisis of the Regime: Has America reached a point of inevitable collapse? Republican government was meant to end the destructive cycle of regimes rising and falling—but can it?

Author Spencer Klavan is a classicist, with a Ph.D. from Oxford, and a deep understanding of the West. His analysis: The situation is dire. But every crisis we face today, we have faced before. And we can surmount each one.

Student Loans in Australia

In Australia, the cost to the student of university education is about 50% of the actual cost of the course. The rest is paid for by tax payers. Students have the option to pay fees up front at a discount, or to pay over time once their income reaches a set level – in the current financial year this is $48,361 . No interest is charged, but loans are indexed to the annual rate of inflation.

Now leftist media and politicians are saying some students are having difficulty paying those debts, and they should be waived, or at least, no longer indexed.

Leftist media and politicians call for freeze on student debt.

Here’s a thought:

  • Don’t take on more debt than you are confident you can manage.
  • If you are taking on debt to undertake study or training, make sure it is for a course that will help you to earn additional income which will be sufficient to cover the debt.
  • If it is just for interest or fun, don’t go into debt for it.
  • If you take on obligations, don’t whine and expect others who have not had your advantages to to cover them for you.

Hating on Lizzo

I am not fond of her music, but I really dislike the hate directed at Lizzo. Obviously it is not right to normalise obesity – there is nothing healthy or attractive about it. But that is different from simply being happy with who you are. She is bright, pretty, can sing, and she has some good things to say about self respect and encouragement in the face of put-downs and adversity. You go girl!

Nothing to do with Being Transgender

As I have said before, if a guy wants to call himself a woman, that’s up to him. If he insists we have to call him a woman, that’s up to us.

No one wishes ill against Dylan Mulvaney. He will have enough mental and physical pain to deal with when he realises what a terrible mistake he has made. What people object to is being forced to comply with other people’s delusions.

We are not expected to agree if a man says he identifies as a poached egg. We are expected to agree if a man says he identifies as a woman, a claim that is just as contrary to reality. When advertising for commercial products is used to strengthen this expectation, is is unsurprising that people who know that men are not women will choose to take their business elsewhere.

Dylan Mulvaney campaign crashes Bud Lite.

The Catastrophe of Environmentalism

Vice is a trendy left “news” site for trendy left inner city dwellers. They used to love Elon Musk and Tesla. Now, not so much.

Nonetheless, environmental action and climate change, along with sex toys on Amazon and Melbourne’s gay night-life, remain key points of interest for Vice’s writers. So it is interesting that they should feature this long article on the damage to the environment and indigenous peoples caused by mining of materials for electric vehicle batteries.

Nickel mining for electric vehicle batteries a disaster for indigenous peoples.

Even Democrats and Never Trumpers are Worried

If non-disclosure agreements were criminal, then half of all Democrat politicians would be in jail. Being sleazy and pompous and disagreeable are not crimes. See the previous sentence. The question in relation to president Trump is, um, well, what exactly? See here for a thoroughly Trump-despising analysis, which nonetheless finds no substance in Bragg’s indictment.

The Trump indictment is another own goal for the Democrats.

Alzheimer’s and Gut Biome

Not all dementia is Alzheimer’s, and the relationship between gut biome and neurology is still not well understood. However, this is a hopeful step towards a better understanding of one of the contributors to a sad and frightening illness which will inevitably affect us or someone we know.

Stay Away From Cities Run By Democrats

The level of gun ownership in the USA is not the problem. The USA is a safe place to visit and to live. Take the top ten most violent cities (listed below) out of the equation, and the US murder rate drops to 1-2 per 100,000, amongst the lowest in the world. The top sixteen most violent cities in the US all have long term Democrat administrations. Just stay away from cities run by Democrats.

Worldwide gun ownership per 100 people
Worldwide gun ownership – guns per 100 people
International murder rate per 100,000 people
Worldwide murder rate – murders per 100,000 people
Top ten most violent US cities
Top ten most violent US cities

Australian Women’s Classic Winner is Not a Woman

Stunning and brave.

The WPGA Tour of Australasia tweeted: “Showing nerves of steel, Breanna Gill triumphed in a playoff for her first professional win at the AusWomensClassic! [GolfNSW] | feelNSW | NewSouthWales.”

She “outdrives the field by 42 yds on average.” Wow! I wonder why?

Breanna has previously won the Qantas Golf Challenge, the New Caledonia Women’s Pro-Am in 2018, and the 2019 New Zealand PWG Pro-Am.

They forgot to mention that Breanna is actually male.

The WPGA and GolfNSW shut down social media comments after women asked why this was allowed. This tweet was typical:

“That’s a man cheating to win women’s competitions. You’re a disgrace. Stop pandering to the men who claim special identities, you’re crapping all over actual women in the process. #SaveWomensSports”

US swimmer Riley Gaines wrote:
“Imagine writing off wanting sex-protected spaces and categories as “hate” or some type of “phobia.” We deserve privacy. We deserve fairness. We deserve safety. We deserve respect. When I say “we”, I mean everyone. Everyone is entitled to these things, but one group’s rights shouldn’t be valued more than the others which would, in turn, take away their rights. No one deserves to be collateral damage in making sure one person/group feels happy or included.”

Real women are being deprived of the honour of their wins, of sponsorship deals, and of prize money.

Is that fair?

Ah Holy Jesus, How Hast Thou Offended?

The poem Herzliebster Jesu by Johann Heermann, translated by Robert Bridges, sung to a beautiful melody in F minor by Johann Crueger, arranged by JS Bach.

Ah, holy Jesus, how hast thou offended,

That man to judge thee hath in hate pretended?

By foes derided, by thine own rejected,

O most afflicted.

Who was the guilty? Who brought this upon thee?

Alas, my treason, Jesus, hath undone thee.

‘Twas I, Lord Jesus, I it was denied thee,

I crucified thee.

Lo, the Good Shepherd for the sheep is offered;

The slave hath sinned, and the Son hath suffered;

For man’s atonement, while he nothing heedeth,

God intercedeth.

For me, kind Jesus, was thy incarnation,

Thy mortal sorrow, and thy life’s oblation;

Thy death of anguish and thy bitter passion,

For my salvation.

Therefore, kind Jesus, since I cannot pay thee,

I do adore thee, and will ever pray thee,

Think on thy pity and thy love unswerving,

Not my deserving.

The Australian Relays Antivax Misinformation

If you are unlucky you may see posted on social media a scan of a recent article in The Australian by Adam Creighton. There is virtually nothing in that article which is accurate.

The Dr Conny Turni mentioned is not a medical doctor or researcher. She has a PhD, but no qualifications in medicine or medical research. She works in animal science.

The Journal of Clinical and Experimental Immunology her article was published in is not the prestigious journal of that name published by Oxford University, but a predatory open access journal.

The data available to medical science is absolutely clear. The vanishingly small risk associated with COVID-19 vaccines is vastly outweighed by the slowing of transmission and especially the vaccines’ very effective reduction in serious illness and death.

Antivaxxers like Campbell, Creighton and Turni may and no doubt will continue to push the line that vaccines are harmful. This claim is contradicted by evidence and by every medical research organisation, hospital and university.

Listen to real medical scientists instead!

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